Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Legion: Archangel

So glad to have completed work on this model! I've spent a ridiculous amount of time working on this one. Easily the most time I've ever spent on any one painting project. I don't think I even want to try and estimate how many hours. It's finished though and I am very happy with how it's turned out. It's certainly among my best work if not thee best.

Let's take a quick look at the progression of this of this project. Here's what this project looked like at the start.

The next three pictures were pulled from the net as I didn't get any shots of my own project until after it was completely assembled and primed.

Assembly and gap filling. The gaps that needed filled were considerable and took a good amount of time. I also magnetized the larger set of wings for easy transport.

Unfortunately this is the first WIP shot that I took of mine. Primed in white, black base coat and first highlight on scales applied using an airbrush.

Onto the blue skin tones and initial highlights. Black areas were masked off and the blues again applied with an airbrush.

Wing colors applied with airbrush

Then began the long arduous process of applying all the brushwork and fine highlights. This took an extremely long time as this is a huge model with so much surface area.

The finished product was many months in the making but it is pretty rewarding to see the end result despite the loooooong road to get there.

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